VG Insights

VG Insights Features Demo and Free Trial Account Giveaway

May 3, 2021

On Wednesday, 26th May, we’re planning on doing a Discord live event to talk about VG Insights, it’s features and video games market research in general.

We’ll hand out free trial accounts (2 week access) to all attendees for everyone to be able to test the full features of the website!

Short agenda:

  • Why we started VG Insights and what it aims to do
  • VG Insights features and tools
    • Steam Analytics – Looking at pricing, sales and releases
    • Genre Analytics – How do different sub-genres perform and compare?
    • Games Database and Individual Games Pages
    • Publisher Database
  • How to use VG Insights for:
    • Choosing the right game to make – Does my idea have potential or should I choose a different genre?
    • Competitive analysis – How are my ‘competitors’ and what do they do right/wrong?
    • Pricing decisions – How should I price my game?
    • Estimating sales – How much can I expect to make?
    • Pitching for funding – What should I show to the publisher I’m pitching for?
  • Q&A – I’m open to talking about anything VG Insights specific to genral advice on games business

How to attend?

The event starts on Wednesday at 6pm BST / 1pm EST / 7pm CEST.

The presentation will be c. 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A for as long as there are questions!

To join the event, join our Discord server. We’ll present on the ‘VG Events’ channel.

Alternatively, sign up on our LinkedIn event page to be reminded of the event ahead of time!

It’s done in a presentation style, so don’t be afraid about having to look good. Just join and listen in! Or get involved in the chat.