VG Insights

Global PC Games Market Report 2024

Jan 3, 2024

Wondering how the PC gaming market managed to achieve its highest ever revenues in 2023? Our global pc market report 2024 unveils the driving forces behind the growth as well as industry trends that will guide the market in the next 5 years.

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Short Summary of the Market Report

The PC market set records in 2023 with highest ever revenues, units sold, peak players online and number of games released on Steam.

2023 saw over $9bn gross full game revenue generated on Steam with 580 million game copies sold and about 14,000 new games released.

Total gross revenue from game sales (excluding microtransactions) grew by 17.8% in 2023. This comes after several years of flat revenues as the games industry was recovering from the COVID boom.

PC games market will continue to grow at approximately 5% per year for the foreseeable future. However, 2024 is expected to be a down year. A weaker slate of new releases, combined with an exceptional 2023, makes it challenging to forecast growth for 2024, despite some positive tailwinds.

The PC games industry has become increasingly “winner takes it all” over the last 8 years. Top 10 releases of 2023 made up 61% of the total revenue generated by new releases.

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Steam covers vast majority of the PC market these days and the trends on Steam are broadly reflective of other, much smaller PC games stores. Therefore, our report is largely based on Steam data.

Video Game Insights is not affiliated with Steam or Valve and all data provided is estimates.

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