VG Insights

Video Game Insights

Bringing you market insights and analysis

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Market research, competitor benchmarking and industry trends analysis has never been easier!

Access to sales estimates, wishlists, prices, ratings, genres and much more for over 100,000 Steam games!

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Check out the interactive Steam Analytics page!
Trusted by 25,000+ users
from indie developers to global consulting firms and AAA publishers
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Explore our easy to use tools

  1. Top Charts – Showing top grossing and top played games on Steam by different time periods.
  2. Steam Analytics – Interactive analysis of the Steam games, sales estimates, pricing and more.
  3. Genre Analytics – Performance, sales and supply-demand dynamics at genre and sub-genre level.
  4. Games Database – List of Steam games, release information, pricing and other data with filters.
  5. Publishers Database – List of all publishers, their focus and how many games they have published.
  6. Developers Database – List of all developers, their focus and how many games they have developed.

VG Insights provides data-driven insights whether you are a developer, publisher or just interested in the market.

For Independent Developers

  • Competitor analysis – Including pricing, ratings and release trends.
  • Revenue estimates – For budgeting, publisher pitches and internal decision-making.
  • Finding a publisher – Finding and narrowing down a shortlist of publishers that fit your need.

For Publishers and Large Developers

  • Industry trends – Latest industry insights and game trends.
  • Market data – Data to support product development, marketing and business strategies.
  • Customisation – Upcoming features to allow to download the data and do your own customised analysis.

For Game Industry Enthusiasts

  • Latest releases – New releases overview.
  • Industry trends – Trends and popularity of different genres and types of games.
  • Steam stats – Ratings, prices, revenues and much more for individual games.
  • Popular games – Most popular games and top games on Steam.